About Kiersten – Founder

Kiersten, Clearly Glowing Founder

Hi! I’m Kiersten, founder of the Clearly Glowing website. Combining my decade-long expertise in software engineering with a passion for effective skincare, I’ve nurtured a space where technology meets personal care.

My encounter with acne wasn’t brief; it spanned over two decades – a relentless, disheartening challenge that many of you might be all too familiar with. I tried medications, laser treatments, and all sorts of heavily advertised skincare products. None of it made much of a difference.

Eventually, I gave up for a couple of years. I figured I was going to have acne forever, and I might as well learn to just live with it.

As a professional coder, I developed a knack for breaking down complex problems into manageable bits and applying logical frameworks to unravel them. What if I could employ this same strategy to decode the mysteries of skincare? It was an epiphany – an opportunity to shift gears and tackle a deeply personal issue with a unique lens: that of an engineer.

I finally managed to clear up the acne and have learned so many fascinating things along the way. I love my skin now! It’s certainly not perfect, but I love seeing progress and the results of being intentional with my skincare. In full transparency, I still get breakouts here and there. The difference now is they are much more manageable, and I know how to clear them up and keep them from getting out of control again. And I have more and more clear days, which is so awesome!

I’m here to share with you not just the trials I’ve lived through, but also the triumph of reaching a point where I love my skin – even its imperfections. It’s about progress, intentionality, and embracing the journey. This isn’t just about finding what works; it’s about understanding why, arming oneself with knowledge, and making informed choices.

In full disclosure, my path is not a prescription. I’m not a healthcare professional, so please consult with a dermatologist for active skin issues. What I offer is the wisdom gained from personal experience – insights that I’m eager to share freely without locking them behind paywalls or exclusive memberships.

The Turning Point: Embracing My Skin with an Engineer’s Mindset

I’ve been there, deeply frustrated with my skin, feeling like I’d tried everything under the sun. It was a struggle that played out on my face for the world to see. But the real change came when I stopped looking for miraculous cures and started seeing my skin as one more puzzle to be solved – methodically and logically.

You’ll learn how the mindset shift from helplessness to analysis was a game changer. I started logging my breakouts, diet, product use, and environmental factors just like I would debug a software issue. Patterns began to emerge, and I could finally break down the problem into manageable parts.

This isn’t just about battling acne; it’s also about celebrating each small victory. With an engineer’s curiosity, I embraced trial and error, and with each experiment, I learned more about what made my skin tick. And guess what? It was incredibly empowering to see my complexion gradually transform.

I’m here to help you with similar challenges. If you’re reading this, maybe you’ve felt that same sense of disappointment and confusion with your own skin. I want you to know that it’s okay. We can take this on together, making thoughtful choices and observing the results, just like any other engineering project.

In my opinion, understanding the why behind your skin’s behavior is crucial. It doesn’t happen overnight, but armed with the right knowledge and tools, progress is just around the corner. And remember, progress is infinitely better than pursuing an elusive perfection. Your skin is unique, and that’s something to be celebrated.

My Mission: Decoding Skincare for You to Shine

I’ve set out on a mission, and I’m thrilled to have you join me on this exciting path. My goal is simple yet profound: to decode the complexities of skincare and help you unleash your inherent radiance. I want to empower you with knowledge, just like I was empowered when I decided to approach my own skin issues with the problem-solving mindset of a software engineer.

Here’s how I’m planning to be your ally in this journey. I’ll break down the scientific jargon and marketing hype to provide you with clear, digestible information about skincare products and their ingredients. That’s to make sure you won’t have to endure the confusion I faced for nearly two decades.

Applying engineering principles to skincare may sound unconventional, but the results are in the clear, healthy skin I’m proud to show. I believe in measurable results and transparency, and that’s exactly what I intend to bring to the table. When I mention a product, rest assured I’ve scrutinized its ingredients and impact, so you get trustworthy recommendations backed by real science, not just paid endorsements.

But this site is about more than just finding the right serum or moisturizer. It’s about a holistic approach that embraces progress over perfection—where each small step forward is celebrated. Because just like coding, perfecting your skincare routine is an iterative process, a cycle of learning and refining.

Finally, understand that my insights and advice will always be freely available. I stand by the principle that knowledge, especially the kind that nurtures our self-confidence and well-being, should be accessible to everyone and not hidden behind paywalls or exclusive memberships.

Thank you for trusting me with your skincare journey. Your unique beauty deserves to be seen and celebrated. Together, we’ll navigate the maze of skincare options to find your personal formula for success. Here’s to clear, glowing skin and the confidence it brings—let’s shine together!

Here’s to your radiance!



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